A determined study of the political evidence, of contemporary literature and of sociological documents. In this he has been strikingly successful.
Summarizing Sundquist's argument hardly captures the dense richness of his book. The readings turn up variation after variation on the riddling paradoxes that indenture the white Southerner to the legacies of bondage and emancipation.
Book Details
Part I.
Chapter 1. The Myth of The Sound of Fury
Chapter 2. Death, Grief, Analogous Form: As I Lay Dying
Chapter 3. Sanctuary: An American Gothic
Part II.
Chapter 4. The Strange
Part I.
Chapter 1. The Myth of The Sound of Fury
Chapter 2. Death, Grief, Analogous Form: As I Lay Dying
Chapter 3. Sanctuary: An American Gothic
Part II.
Chapter 4. The Strange Career of Joe Christmas
Chapter 5. Absalom, Absalom! and the House Divided
Chapter 6. Half Slave, Half Free: Go Down, Moses