[White] is a master of critical and provocative thought... Figural Realism... deserves to be read by historians in search of rejuvenating a sense of theoretical enlightenment.
A collection of essays by one who has arguably changed the course of historiography in the past twenty years... Any serious historian will need to engage the issues and answers that White raises.
[A] fascinating meditation on modernism or, more accurately, the effects of modernism... In this book, White confirms that he remains an active and important thinker.
White lays out his arguments with a clarity and rigor that few can match.
Hayden White... is the most prominent American scholar to unite historiography and literary criticism into a broader reflection on narrative and cultural understanding.
Of all the writers on subjects connected to tropology, White is surely the best at making the complex both engaging and approachable. This is an important book.
Book Details
Chapter 1. Literary Theory and Historical Writing
Chapter 2. Historical Emplotment and the Problem of Truth in Historical Representations
Chapter 3. Formalist and Contextualist
Chapter 1. Literary Theory and Historical Writing
Chapter 2. Historical Emplotment and the Problem of Truth in Historical Representations
Chapter 3. Formalist and Contextualist Strategies in Historical Explanation
Chapter 4. The Modernist Event
Chapter 5. Auerbach's Literary History: Figural Causation and Modernist Historicism
Chapter 6. Freud's Tropology of Dreaming
Chapter 7. Narrative, Description, and Tropology in Proust
Chapter 8. Form, Reference, and Ideology in Musical Discourse