Chapters on Galton's early scientific career... are followed by meatier chapters on statistical theory of heredity, the law of ancestral heredity, discontinuity in evolution, and biometry. For historians of science the book provides a clear roadmap to what Galton did, or said he did, and what he thought, or what he believed he thought.
Michael Bulmer's book is only partially about Galton the man. It begins with a biographical chapter but most of the book describes and evaluates Galton's quantitative work... Bulmer guides us skillfully through a great deal of the beginnings of our science. We are where we are because of the labors of people like Francis Galton. Science is not the same thing as progress but Galton's story is relevant to understanding something about the way in which science is related to progress.
Well-written, with a good pace, clear explanations, and a good eye for alternating the technical exposition with interesting personal detail. Anyone with a basic interest in the history of biology or of statistics will find it a valuable and enjoyable read.
Sir Francis Galton is a neglected scientific genius. Buried under the ignominy of having coined the word eugenics only his reputation as a dilettante amateur scientist survived. But in this book, Michael Bulmer shows that Galton was to the science of heredity what Charles Babbage was to computing. Babbage knew no electrons and Galton no genes, but their ideas have transcended the discovery of both. Bulmer gives the first full account of Galton's theory of ancestral heredity which so influenced Pearson, and shows how, with his experiments on the inheritance of seed-weight in the sweet pea, Galton did for the inheritance of continuous characters what Gregor Mendel (unknown to Galton and his generation) had done for discrete characters. Bulmer's book is a major contribution to an understanding of the path-breaking biological and statistical work of 'the father of biometry.'.
Book Details
1. A Victorian Life
Family Background and Education
Eastern Europe, 1840
The Near East, 1845–46
South West Africa, 1850–52
Vacation Tours
Scientific Career
1. A Victorian Life
Family Background and Education
Eastern Europe, 1840
The Near East, 1845–46
South West Africa, 1850–52
Vacation Tours
Scientific Career
The Royal Geographical Society
Exploration in Central Africa
The British Association
Heredity and Evolution
2. Hereditary Ability
"Hereditary Talent and Character" (1865)
Hereditary Genius (1869)
English Judges
Comparison of Results for All Professions
Transmission through Male and Female Lines
The Reception of Hereditary Genius
Nature and Nurture
English Men of Science: Their Nature and Nurture (1874)
"The History of Twins" (1875)
Galton's Hereditarianism
Appendix: Number of Kinsfolk
3. Eugenics
Galtonian Eugenics
Later History of Eugenics
The Rationale of Eugenics
4. The Mechanism of Heredity
Galton's Knowledge of Heredity in 1865
Biparental Inheritance
The Non-Inheritance of Acquired Characters
The Law of Reversion
Darwin's Provisional Hypothesis of Pangenesis
The Inheritance of Acquired Characters
Xenia and Telegony
Galton's Reaction to Pangenesis
Galton's Political Metaphor of Pangenesis
An Experimental Test of Pangenesis
Galton's Theory of Heredity in the 1870s
Similarities Between Relatives
Galton's Ideas on Heredity in 1889
Weismann and the Continuity of the Germ-Plasm
De Vries's Theory of Intracellular Pangenesis
Blending Inheritance
Fleeming Jenkin and the Problem of Swamping
5. Four Evolutionary Problems
The Domestication of Animals
The Evolution of Gregariousness
The Fertility of Heiresses
The Extinction of Surnames
The Evolution of Sex
"A Theory of Heredity" (1875)
Three Unpublished Essays
6. The Charms of Statistics
Quetelet and the Average Man
Galton and the Normal Distribution
Hereditary Genius (1869)
Natural Inheritance (1889)
The Importance of the Normal Distribution to Galton
Galton's Quincunx
Regression and the Bivariate Normal Distribution
Two Concepts of Probability
The Development of Statistics
Appendix: Regression Theory
7. Statistical Theory of Heredity
A Theory Based on Pangenesis
"Typical Laws of Heredity" (1877)
An Experiment with Sweet Peas
Solution of the Problem
Johannsen's Experiments with Beans
The Inheritance of Human Height
The Advantages of Height
The Regression of Offspring on Mid-Parent
Fraternal Regression
Variability in Fraternities and Co-Fraternities
8. The Law of Ancestral Heredity
Galton's Formulation of the Ancestral Law
Galton's Derivation of the Law in 1885
Derivation of the Law in 1897
Galton's Law as It Should Have Been
Karl Pearson's Interpretation of the Ancestral Law
The Ancestral Law and Mendelism
Weldon and Mendelism
Pearson and Mendelism
Yule's Reconciliation of the Law with Mendelism
Appendix: The Regression on Mid-Ancestral Values
9. Discontinuity in Evolution
Galton's Theory of Discontinuous Evolution
Stability of Type
Perpetual Regression
Selection Experiments
The Fallacy of Perpetual Regression
"Discontinuity in Evolution" (1894)
Speciation and Saltation
De Vries and The Mutation Theory
Punctuated Equilibria
10. Biometry
The Demonstration of Natural Selection
The Career of W. F. R. Weldon
The Common Shrimp
The Shore Crab
Stabilizing Selection in Snails
Bumpus's Sparrows
Multivariate Selection
Quantitative Genetics
The Multiple Factor Hypothesis
The Hardy-Weinberg Law
Mendelian Theory of Quantitative Genetics
The Response to Selection
Appendix: Multivariate Selection Theory
Selection Differentials and Selection Gradients
The Response to Selection