Higher Education Law: The Faculty... describ[es] clearly, for both lawyers and non-lawyers, the central legal principles governing the activities of faculty and the routine academic affairs of colleges and universities. The major sections of the book cover the law relating to faculty as scholars, teachers, institutional citizens, public citizens, and employees. This book achieves the preventive law goals both of assisting faculty and administrators to avoid legal problems and of helping them to understand when they need legal counsel... The chapter on scholarship provides an excellent overview of the law regarding both the ownership and exploitation of faculty work, including copyrights and patents and the dissemination of and access to scholarly work. The chapter on faculty as employees includes a lengthy overview of nondiscrimination law that clearly explains a complex and layered area of law. This section should, in particular, be mandatory reading for all graduate students, professors, and administrators.
Welcome, useful and readable.
An interesting, informative, and very useful book that works both as a teaching tool and as a guide to understanding the legal land mines that are part and parcel of what we as faculty believe we do.
Amidst all of the books and publications relating to the legal issues for colleges and universities, it is amazing that this is the first book to provide deans, department chairs, and general readers with a clear, concise, thoughtful and well-written overview of the legal principles that govern what colleges and universities can and cannot do. Steven Poskanzer's book is long overdue and very, very welcome.
This book succeeds in introducing provosts, deans, and departmental chairs to legal issues having to do with the faculty—and it offers faculty a useful guide for understanding their own rights and responsibilities under the law. Poskanzer explains the relevant concepts in a comprehensive and accessible manner that serves his intended audience well.
Book Details
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. The Lay of the Land
Chapter 3. Faculty Scholarship
Chapter 4. Faculty in the Classroom
Chapter 5. Faculty as Institutional CItizens
Chapter 6. Faculty as Public Citizens
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. The Lay of the Land
Chapter 3. Faculty Scholarship
Chapter 4. Faculty in the Classroom
Chapter 5. Faculty as Institutional CItizens
Chapter 6. Faculty as Public Citizens
Chapter 7. Faculty as Employees
Chapter 8. Final Thoughts on Faculty and the Law