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International Peacekeeping

Paul F. Diehl

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In International Peacekeeping, Paul Diehl examines the recent record of United Nations peacekeeping forces and develops criteria for assessing their operations. His analysis provides useful guidance for the management of new hostilities in areas such as Cetral and Eastern Europe, where the dissolution of the Soviet Union has spawned bitter civil wars and dangerous border disputes. The paperback edition includes a new epilogue in which Diehl examines peacekeeping operations in Bosnia, Somalia, and Cambodia.



This readable volume was written before the various peacekeeping debacles of 1993 in Somalia and Haiti, but its analysis stands up remarkably well in light of these fast-changing situations... Consideration of [the guidelines for peacekeeping laid out by Paul Diehl] might have saved policymakers considerable grief in the past year.

This readable volume was written before the various peacekeeping debacles of 1993 in Somalia and Haiti, but its analysis stands up remarkably well in light of these fast-changing situations... Consideration of [the guidelines for peacekeeping laid out by Paul Diehl] might have saved policymakers considerable grief in the past year.


Book Details

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Concepts and Development of International Peacekeeping
Chapter 2. Cases of International Peacekeeping
Chapter 3. Peacekeeping and the Limitation of Armed Conflict
Chapter 4

Chapter 1. Concepts and Development of International Peacekeeping
Chapter 2. Cases of International Peacekeeping
Chapter 3. Peacekeeping and the Limitation of Armed Conflict
Chapter 4. When Peacekeeping Does Not Lead to Peace: Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution
Chapter 5. Institutional Alternatives to Traditional U.N. Peacekeeping Operations
Chapter 6. Functional Alternatives to Traditional U.N. Peacekeeping Operations
Chapter 7. The Prospects for International Peacekeeping
Chapter 8. Epilogue: Applications to Some Recent Peacekeeping Operations

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Paul F. Diehl

Paul F. Diehl is professor of political science at the University of Illinois. His books include Territorial Changes and International Conflict and The Politics of International Organizations: Patterns and Insights.