A welcome candidate for a prospective list of texts for introductory courses in American politics and political theory.
An illuminating and forceful defense of Tocquevillian or traditional political science against its two contenders within the profession, a scientific political science increasingly equated with rational choice theory and an activist moralistic political science, which Ceaser terms the 'new normativism.'.
Book Details
Chapter 1. What is Liberal Democracy?
Chapter 2. How Liberal is Liberal Democracy?
Chapter 3. Traditional Political Science
Chapter 4. Modern Political Science
Chapter 1. What is Liberal Democracy?
Chapter 2. How Liberal is Liberal Democracy?
Chapter 3. Traditional Political Science
Chapter 4. Modern Political Science
Chapter 5. Reconstructing Political Science
Chapter 6. The New Normativism
Chapter 7. Political Science and the Political Culture of Liberal Democracy
Chapter 8. The Constitution and its Critics