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Cover image of Louis Agassiz
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Louis Agassiz

A Life in Science

Edward Lurie

Publication Date

A giant of nineteenth-century natural history study, Louis Agassiz made major contributions to modern knowledge of geology, paleontology, and zoology. Agassiz's fame in America was largely as a popularizer of natural history and teacher of advanced students. Founding the Museum of Comparative Zoology at harvard was his lasting teching and research achievement, and the Smithsonian Institution and National Academy of Sciences benefited from his impulse to professionalize science. A life-long opponent of the theory of evolution. Agassiz affirmed the magnificence of God's plan to all who would...

A giant of nineteenth-century natural history study, Louis Agassiz made major contributions to modern knowledge of geology, paleontology, and zoology. Agassiz's fame in America was largely as a popularizer of natural history and teacher of advanced students. Founding the Museum of Comparative Zoology at harvard was his lasting teching and research achievement, and the Smithsonian Institution and National Academy of Sciences benefited from his impulse to professionalize science. A life-long opponent of the theory of evolution. Agassiz affirmed the magnificence of God's plan to all who would "study nature, not books."



By far the best work on this central figure in the history of American biology.


Book Details

Publication Date
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Table of Contents

1. The Formative Years 1807-1827
2. The Making of a Naturalist 1827-1832
3. From Switzerland to Boston 1832-1846
4. The American Welcome 1846-1850
5. Naturalist to America 1850-1857
6. Building a Museum

1. The Formative Years 1807-1827
2. The Making of a Naturalist 1827-1832
3. From Switzerland to Boston 1832-1846
4. The American Welcome 1846-1850
5. Naturalist to America 1850-1857
6. Building a Museum 1857-1861
7. Agassiz, Darwin, and Transmutation 1859-1861
8. The Trials of a Public Man 1861-1866
9. The Past and the present 1866-1873
Epilogue to the New Edition 1988
Essay on Sources
Rcent Sources

Author Bio
Featured Contributor

Edward Lurie

Edward Lurie is professor of history, science, and culture at the University of Delaware and senior research fellow at the Hagley Museum and Library. He is the author of Nature and the American Mind and The Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College.