Edward S. Cooke has written an exhaustive and sophisticated interdisciplinary study comparing and contrasting the 'social economy' of furniture and furniture makers in two western Connecticut communities... Cooke has combined the social and economic historians research in traditional records with material culture's analysis of artifacts. The synthesis is certainly more than the sum of its parts... Thoughtful and challenging.
Book Details
List of Tables and Charts
Introduction. The Need for the Artis anal Voice
Chapter 1. The Preindustrial Joiner in Western Connecticut, 1760-£820
Chapter 2. The Social Economy of the
List of Tables and Charts
Introduction. The Need for the Artis anal Voice
Chapter 1. The Preindustrial Joiner in Western Connecticut, 1760-£820
Chapter 2. The Social Economy of the Preindustrial Joiner
Chapter 3. The Joiners of Newtown and Woodbury
Chapter 4. SocioeconomiSc tructure in Newtown and Woodbury
Chapter 5. Consumer Behavior in Newtown and Woodbury
Chapter 6. Workmanship of Habit: The Furniture of Newtown
Chapter 7. Workmanship of Competition: The Furniture of Woodbury
Conclusion. The Response to Market Capitalism
Appendix A. Biographies of Newtown Joiners, 1760-£820
Appendix B. Biographies of Woodbury Joiners, I 760-r 820
Glossary of Furniture Terms
Note on Sources and Methods