Greenberg shows how planters and statesmen grappled with contradictory ideas and uses of power... His fresh insights on statesmanship, dueling, political parties and representation, the proslavery movement, and the origins and dynamics of Southern nationalism and secession give new vigor to these topics.
Book Details
Preface and Acknowledgments
Part I. Republicanism and Honor
Chapter 1. The Rhythm of Southern Statesmanship
Chapter 2. The Duel as Social Drama
Part II. The Government of Masters and the Government of
Preface and Acknowledgments
Part I. Republicanism and Honor
Chapter 1. The Rhythm of Southern Statesmanship
Chapter 2. The Duel as Social Drama
Part II. The Government of Masters and the Government of Slaves
Chapter 3. Party and Antiparty
Chapter 4. Representation
Chapter 5. The Proslavery Argument as an Antislavery Argument
Part III. The Logic of Secession
Chapter 6. From Anglophobia to New Anglophobia
Chapter 7. Sectional Conflict