Book Details
The Geography of Enlightenment (special section)
"The Ruins and the Construction of Time: Geological and Literary Perspectives in the Age of Goethe,"
"Constructing the Subaltern: White Creole Culture
The Geography of Enlightenment (special section)
"The Ruins and the Construction of Time: Geological and Literary Perspectives in the Age of Goethe,"
"Constructing the Subaltern: White Creole Culture and Raced Captivity in Eighteenth-Century Dutch Suriname"
"Gendering the 'Union of Hearts': Irish Politics between the Public and Private Spheres"
"Fair Trade: The Language of Love and Commerce in Mary Wollstonecraft's Letters
Other Essays: "John Adams Confronts Turgot"
"Swift's Servant Problem: Livery and Hypocrisy in the Project for the Advancement of Religion and the Directions to Servants"
"Clarissa's Relics and Lyric Community"
"Advertisements for Books in London Newspapers, 1760–1785"
"Officer and Lady: Pants and Politics in Caroline de la Motte-Fouqué's Das Heldenmädchen aus der Vendée (1816)"
"Spying, Writing, Authority: Eliza Haywood's Bath Intrigues"
"'Is He No Man?' Toward an Appreciation of Male Effeminacy in English Dance History"
"Lancashire Spiritual Culture and the Question of Magic"
"Parallel Forces: Identity and Authority in Roland Barthes and Tristram Shandy"
"Addison's Aesthetics of Novelty"