Sublime Desire constitutes a major contribution to the growing body of work on contemporary historical fiction... a must for those who wonder about the pervasivenessof history in comtemporary literature.
Elias sets out to deepen our understanding of the ethical and political power of the historical romance, then and now... By the end of the book, however, she gives us much more than a thorough literary history. She gives us an increasingly intense investigation of how we might engage an ethics that resists the modern and the nostalgic.
Fresh perspectives on the relationship between literature and traumatic historical experiences, historical truth and literary imagination, memory and narrative.
These arguments are well stated and clear, and Elias's book is worth consulting.
Elias not only offers a compelling analysis of postwar fiction but also reconciles much existing postmodern theory... Lucidly written, richly textured, and commandingly researched throughout.
Elias manages to catch the postmodern intellectual zeitgest.
As someone who has written on the topics of history, postmodernism, and fiction, it is with great pleasure that I can honestly say that this book has made me seriously rethink my most cherished conceptions about this broad field of theoretical endeavor.
Book Details
Sublime Desire
Preface: Postmodernism, history and the Metahistorical Romance
The Question of Postmodernism
Chapter 1: Sorting Out Connection: The Historical romance in Hyperreality
Sublime Desire
Preface: Postmodernism, history and the Metahistorical Romance
The Question of Postmodernism
Chapter 1: Sorting Out Connection: The Historical romance in Hyperreality
The Historical Novel, Historiography, and Romance
The Metahistorical Novel, Romance, and Historiography
Chapter 2: The Metahistorical Romance and the Historical Sublime
Chapter 3: The Improbability of the Real: Spatializing History in Metahistorical
Spatiality and Postmodernism
Spatiality and Metahistorical Romance
Paratactic vs. Positivistic History
Simultaneous History in Flatland
Chapter 4: Metamodernity: The Postmodern Turn On the Enlightenment
Chapter 5: Western Modernity vs. Postcolonial Metahistory
Chapter 6: Coda: The Sot-Weed Factor and Mason & Dixon
Works Cited
Appendix: A Listing of Metahistorical Romance