Siegle is at once a patient literary historian and a trail blazing theorist of the type who is needed every twenty or so years; as such Suburban Ambush should be the study that will set the terms of debate in the decade now underway.
Book Details
Chapter 1. Suburban Ambush
Chapter 2. Kathy Acker: The Blood and Guts of Guerrilla Warfare
Chapter 3. Constance DeJong: Eco-paleo-psycho-electro-cosmo Talk
Chapter 4. Lynne Tillman: Madame Realism
Chapter 1. Suburban Ambush
Chapter 2. Kathy Acker: The Blood and Guts of Guerrilla Warfare
Chapter 3. Constance DeJong: Eco-paleo-psycho-electro-cosmo Talk
Chapter 4. Lynne Tillman: Madame Realism'z Feminist Ethnology
Chapter 5. Tanam Press: Fire over Water
Chapter 6. Condensed Book: Perofrmance Art and Fiction
Chapter 7. Between C & D
Chapter 8. Village Voices
Chapter 9. DOwntown Writing
Works Cites
Index to Names and Titles