The Ancient Roman City is so full of novel facts, useful synthesis and insightful summations, that the non-specialist is frequently drawn to dwell on the footnotes, track down the intriguing references and generally to reflect on what has been read... Likely to become a standard reference work for undergraduate and high school libraries, a popular supplementary textbook, and a well-worn occupant of that handy shelf near your desk.
Book Details
Part I. The Growth of Rome
Chapter 1. Earliest Rome
Chapter 2. Expansion under the Republic
Chapter 3. The Late Republic, 146 – 144 B.C.
Chapter 4. The Augustan City
Chapter 5. Rome
Part I. The Growth of Rome
Chapter 1. Earliest Rome
Chapter 2. Expansion under the Republic
Chapter 3. The Late Republic, 146 – 144 B.C.
Chapter 4. The Augustan City
Chapter 5. Rome under the Emperors
Part II. Urban Life in Rome
Chapter 6. Population
Chapter 7. City Government
Chapter 8. Services, Public and Private
Chapter 9. The Commercial City
Chapter 10. Households and Housing
Chapter 11. City and Suburbs
Chapter 12. Social Life in the City
Chapter 13. The City and the Gods
Chapter 14. Roman Holidays
Part III. Patterns of Roman Urbanism
Chapter 15. The Theory and Practice of Building Towns
Chapter 16. Cosa
Chapter 17. Pompeii
Chapter 18. Ostia
Chapter 19. Arelate (Arles)
Chapter 20. Thamugadi (Timgad)
List of Plates