In this dense forest of theories and perspectives, we need a guide who is sympathetic to, yet critical of, the different viewpoints, who appreciates what older geographers have done without nostalgia for their less self-conscious approach, and who, above all, has a historical perspective. J. Nicholas Entrikin is such a guide.
Book Details
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. The Betweenness of Place
Chapter 3. Place, Region, and Modernity
Chapter 4. The Empirical-Theoretical Significance of Place and Region
Chapter 5
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. The Betweenness of Place
Chapter 3. Place, Region, and Modernity
Chapter 4. The Empirical-Theoretical Significance of Place and Region
Chapter 5. Normative Significance
Chapter 6. Epistemological Significance
Chapter 7. Casual Understanding, Narrative and Geographic Synthesis
Chapter 8. Conclusion
Author Index
Subject Index