A brief review can only hint at Aiken's exciting, original, and insightful contributions. This splendid book deserves to be read, discussed, and debated among all serious students of southern history.
Any serious student of the geography of the United States will want to have it in their library.
Charles Aiken has written a book in clear, readable prose that should be read by anyone with an interest in or opinion about the American South.
By far the best analysis of the plantation ever written by a geographer. Beyond that, it fills an important gap in conventional social science scholarship. No one, to my knowledge, has ever before attempted to show that the civil rights movement had a geography that grew directly out of the geography of the plantation system.
A tour de force of information, understanding, and interpretation of the cotton region, its economy, and the society that it bred following the Civil War. Its author is a mature, lifelong student of the subject, and historians, geographers, sociologists, and demographers, especially, must forever be in his debt.
Book Details
Part I: The Cotton Plantation Landscape, 1865 to 1970
Chapter 1. Overview of the Southern Plantation
Chapter 2. From Old South to New South Plantation
Chapter 3. The Demise of the
Part I: The Cotton Plantation Landscape, 1865 to 1970
Chapter 1. Overview of the Southern Plantation
Chapter 2. From Old South to New South Plantation
Chapter 3. The Demise of the Plantation
Chapter 4. Mechanization of the Plantation
Chapter 5. The World of Plantation Blacks
Part II: The Impact of the Civil Rights Movement, 1954 to 1998
Chapter 6. Mobilization
Chapter 7. Confrontation
Chapter 8. The War on Poverty
Chapter 9. School Desegregation
Part III: The Contton Plantation Regions in the Modern South
Chapter 10. The RIght to Vote-An Illusive Black Power
Chapter 11. New Settlement Patterns
Chapter 12. Quest for a Nonagrarian Economy
Chapter 13. Epilogue