A readable study of zoning that constructively blends the traditional welfare economics analysis of land use regulation and empirical studies of the effect of zoning and new 'deregulation' proposals with a keen understanding of the social and economic motives of local officials... [T]he most complete, searching, and balanced analysis of the theoretical basis of land use controls ever published.
Book Details
Preface and Acknowledgments
Chapter 1. Land Use and Land Economics
Chapter 2. The Structure and Administration of Zoning Laws
Chapter 3. The Role of the Courts: The Limits of Zoning
Chapter 4. Zoning Law
Preface and Acknowledgments
Chapter 1. Land Use and Land Economics
Chapter 2. The Structure and Administration of Zoning Laws
Chapter 3. The Role of the Courts: The Limits of Zoning
Chapter 4. Zoning Law in Practice
Chapter 5. The Analytics of Land Use: The Property Rights Approach
Chapter 6. The Propery Rights Approach in Perspective
Chapter 7. Suburban Zoning and Housing Supply: A Property Rights Analysis
Chapter 8. The Taking Issue and Zoning
Chapter 9. Entitlement Protection and Takings
Chapter 10. The Political Geography of Zoning
Chapter 11. Does Zoning Matter? Empirical Evidence on Zoning, Externalities, and Housing Costs
Chapter 12. Urban Economics and Zoning
Chapter 13. Suburban Development and Agricultural Land
Chapter 14. Zoning, Property Taxes, and the Tiebout Model
Chapter 15. Opening Up the Suburbs and Growth Controls
Table of Cases