The First Strange Place is in the great tradition of oral history and yet it makes marvelous use of archival records—I was reminded both of Studs Terkel's sensitive ear and of Shelby Foote's sweeping vision.
A fascinating, startling, and wise book. It will now be impossible to tell the story of the modern civil rights struggle or of the women's movement without seeking to understand the anxieties that flourished on Hawaii after Pearl Harbor.
Packed with rich sources, complex ideas, and some amusing lines—and written with writers' craft as well as historians' insight—this book is an excellent example of both new and traditional history.
A model of multicultural history—imaginatively researched, interpreted with discernment, and gracefully written.
Book Details
Prologue: December 7, 1941
Introduction: Wartime Hawaii and American Identity
Chapter 1. Into the War Zone
Chapter 2. Culture of Heroes
Chapter 3. Hotel Street Sex
Chapter 4. Strangers in a Strange Land
Prologue: December 7, 1941
Introduction: Wartime Hawaii and American Identity
Chapter 1. Into the War Zone
Chapter 2. Culture of Heroes
Chapter 3. Hotel Street Sex
Chapter 4. Strangers in a Strange Land
Chapter 5. Fragile Connections