Schlossberg's work gives new meaning to the word illustration... An excellent basic reference for functional anatomy.
Provides an easily understood introduction to the inner workings of the human body. With emphasis on function as well as structure, the beautifully illustrated guide maps anatomical systems and organs.
Originally composed for medical students, this thorough reference guide is basic enough to help lay readers understand how human organs work and what happens when they don't. Unlocking vertebrae and cutting off layers of skin, the numerous color illustrations are anything but pretty, but they capture, with detail rare in introductory works, the interconnecting functions that help the human body survive.
The illustrations—most in color—are scientifically accurate and artistically beautiful... The text is uniformly of high quality.
The artwork is first-class... A book which anyone with an interest in anatomy would be pleased to own.
Book Details
Preface to the Fourth Edition
Chapter 1. Fetal Circulation
Chapter 2. Skeletal Anatomy
Chapter 3. Skeletal Muscles, Joints, and Fascial Structures
Chapter 4. The Abdominal Wall
Preface to the Fourth Edition
Chapter 1. Fetal Circulation
Chapter 2. Skeletal Anatomy
Chapter 3. Skeletal Muscles, Joints, and Fascial Structures
Chapter 4. The Abdominal Wall, the Inguinal Region, and Hernias
Chapter 5. The Hematopoietic System and Development of Blood Cells
Chapter 6. The Automatic Nervous System
Chapter 7. The Anatomical Man
Chapter 8. The Aorta and Its Branches
Chapter 9. The Peripheral Nerves
Chapter 10. The Central Nervous System
Chapter 11. The Lymphatic System
Chapter 12. The Eye and the Mechanism of Vision
Chapter 13. The Ear
Chapter 14. The Nose, Paranasal Sinuses, Pharynx, and Larynx
Chapter 15. The Head and Neck
Chapter 16. The Endocrine Glands
Chapter 17. The Mediastinum and the Thymus Gland
Chapter 18. Anatomy as Viewed Laparoscopically
Chapter 19. The Circulatory System
Chapter 20. The Breast
Chapter 21. The Heart
Chapter 22. The Lungs
Chapter 23. The Gastrointestinal Tract
Chapter 24. The Liver
Chapter 25. The Female Generative Tract and Pregnancy
Chapter 26. The Menstrual Cycle
Chapter 27. The Kidneys, Male Genitourinary System, and Perineum
Chapter 28. The Prostate and Male Pelvis
Chapter 29. The Skin