An already well established pattern of editorial excellence continues.
A splendid set of volumes.
An editorial accomplishment of the highest order.
I found the documents irresistible. And they were partly so because, among other virtues, they are firmly and unpretentiously literate.
Ike the man comes through colorfully... The editorial work is up to the high standards set in previous volumes. The selections are judicious and interesting.
Book Details
Part VII: Berlin and the Chance for a Summit; March 1959 to August 1959
Chapter 16: A "staunch bulwark" resigns
Chapter 17: "Source of division" among allies
Chapter 18: "These extremist approaches"
Part VII: Berlin and the Chance for a Summit; March 1959 to August 1959
Chapter 16: A "staunch bulwark" resigns
Chapter 17: "Source of division" among allies
Chapter 18: "These extremist approaches"
Part VIII: "Friends and Foes"; September 1959 to February 1960
Chapter 19: Khrushchev in America
Chapter 20: "No substitute for personal contact"
Part IX: Shattered Dreams; March 1960 to July 1960
Chapter 21: "Progess in a knotty problem"
Chapter 22: Disaster in Paris