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The Social Creation of Nature

Neil Evernden

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One reason for our failure to "save the earth," argues Neil Evernden, is our disagreement about what "nature" really is—how it works, what constitutes a risk to it, and even whether we ourselves are part of it. Nature is as much a social entity as a physical one. In addition to the physical resources to be harnessed and transformed, it consists of a domain of norms that may be called upon in defense of certain social ideals. In exploring the consequences of conventional understandings of nature, The Social Creation of Nature also seeks a way around the limitations of a socially created nature...

One reason for our failure to "save the earth," argues Neil Evernden, is our disagreement about what "nature" really is—how it works, what constitutes a risk to it, and even whether we ourselves are part of it. Nature is as much a social entity as a physical one. In addition to the physical resources to be harnessed and transformed, it consists of a domain of norms that may be called upon in defense of certain social ideals. In exploring the consequences of conventional understandings of nature, The Social Creation of Nature also seeks a way around the limitations of a socially created nature in order to defend what is actually imperiled—"wildness," in which, Thoreau wrote, lies hope for "the preservation of the world."



Sociobiologists talk about human life as if it were no more than an element of Nature, bound by its iron laws. Neil Evernden makes an end run around them by showing that once upon a time 'Nature' did not exist. Rather, he says, it is a human invention and it has a history.

A thoughtful and illuminating book... For Evernden, 'wildness' is what should be defended and preserved.

I think The Social Creation of Nature stands Evernden in relation to the present generation roughly as Thoreau stood in relation to New England Transcendentalism.


Book Details

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Table of Contents

Preface and Acknowledgements
Part I. The Ambiguity of Nature
Chapter 1. The Social Use of Nature
Chapter 2. Nature and Norm
Part II. The Creation of Nature
Chapter 3. The Purification of Nature

Preface and Acknowledgements
Part I. The Ambiguity of Nature
Chapter 1. The Social Use of Nature
Chapter 2. Nature and Norm
Part II. The Creation of Nature
Chapter 3. The Purification of Nature
Chapter 4. From nature to Nature
Chapter 5. The Literal Landscape
Chapter 6. The Fragile Division
Part III. The Liberation of Nature
Chapter 7. Nature and Ultrahuman
Bibliography Essay

Author Bio
Featured Contributor

Neil Evernden

Neil Evernden is associate professor of environmental studies at York University, Oantario, Canada. He is the author of The Natural Alien: Humankind and Environment.