Excellent discussions of the plebians and their struggle for political recoginiton, the nature of the aristrocracy, the nobles, the economy, the senatorial and equestrian orders with their ladders of promotion, the municipal aristocracy... [An] excellent introduction to the subject by a historian of international reputation.
Book Details
Preface to the English Edition
Preface to the First German Edition (1975)
Chapter 1. Early Roman Society
Chapetr 2. Roman Society from the Beginning of Expansion to the Second Punic War
Chapter 3. The
Preface to the English Edition
Preface to the First German Edition (1975)
Chapter 1. Early Roman Society
Chapetr 2. Roman Society from the Beginning of Expansion to the Second Punic War
Chapter 3. The Structural Change of the Second Century BC
Chapter 4. The Crisis of the Republic and Roman Society
Chapter 5. The Social System of the Early Empire
Chapter 6. The Crsis of the Roman Empire and Structural Change in Society
Chapter 7. Late ROman Society