This outstanding analysis of the interrelationships between the environment, international trade, and commercial policy is written by an author who has the requisite academic and institutional credentials (former director, World Trade organization's Trade and Environment Division) to write authoritatively on the subject.
Book Details
Chapter 1. The Debate on Trade and the Environment: Challenges and Opportunties
Chapter 2. The WTO in a Changing World
Chapter 3. Transparency and Public Access
Chapter 4. Trade
Chapter 1. The Debate on Trade and the Environment: Challenges and Opportunties
Chapter 2. The WTO in a Changing World
Chapter 3. Transparency and Public Access
Chapter 4. Trade Liberalization and the Environment
Chapter 5. Trade and Environmental Standards
Chapter 6. Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Chapter 7. Settling Disputes
Chapter 8. Policy Recommendations
Appendix. Trade-Related Environmental Disputes
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