All 140 pages of What Are the Chances? are enjoyable and convey much wisdom in an area where gut feelings and rash actions frequently prevail.
An extremely fun read... Insightful and full of interesting applications.
Holland captures the reader's imagination with surprising examples of probability in action, everyday events that can profoundly affect our lives. It will amuse and astonish the reader.
Holland Captures the reader's imagination with surprising examples of probability in action, everyday events that can profoundly affect our lives but are controlled by just one number.
What Are the Chances? is an enjoyable read. And painlessly instructive as well... [a] charming book.
What Are the Chances? will give you a whole new outlook... readable, comprehendable, and often funny.
If you have ever wondered about the chances of a Prussian cavalryman being kicked to death by his horse or if you prefer to work out your own life expectancy by staring at life tables, then Bart Holland's excellent primer on probability is a great place to start. In a time when anecdote and panic seem to influence public policy more than objective analysis, Holland has provided a welcome reminder of the power of the analytical approach.
Will entertain and inform people who like statistical puzzles and may nudge those who don't toward statistical literacy... Offers explanations of such probability-based phenomena as why buses come in clumps, how life insurance table work, and how diseases spread. While maintaining a sense of fun, Holland still manages to work in some equations and a little of the history behind different kinds of statistical reasoning.
Written to make minimal (almost zero) use of formulas or algebraic skills. Covers a remarkable number of topics [which are] introduced to stimulate the interest of the average reader.
This is a book I can happily recommend... I learnt something from every chapter.
The author writes fluently and with authority and he covers a host of different situations... The strength of this book is the wealth of examples of applied probability theory which will provide useful support for any statistics course in the classroom.
An excellent source of interesting examples of probability and statistics in action.
Though there are many books on the market that deal with applications of the theory of probabilities and statistics, none contain the variety of examples taken from everyday life found in this book. Holland first arouses the curiosity of the reader, then satisfies it in a remarkable way.
Book Details
Chapter 1. Roulette Wheels and the Plague
Chapter 2. Surely Something's Wrong With You
Chapter 3. The Life Table: You Can Bet On It!
Chapter 4. The Rarest Events
Chapter 5. The
Chapter 1. Roulette Wheels and the Plague
Chapter 2. Surely Something's Wrong With You
Chapter 3. The Life Table: You Can Bet On It!
Chapter 4. The Rarest Events
Chapter 5. The Waiting Game
Chapter 6. Stockbrokers and Climate Change