Provides comprehensive data on the distribution, physiology, ecology, behavior and commercial value of both game and non-game species of terrestrial mammals... This volume is an essential for any professional in the areas of wildlife management or biology, and of great value to anyone interested in the life histories of North American mammals.
Whether your interest in wildlife is as a wildlife manager, hunter or nature lover, a new book offers information on every mammal found in North America. Wild Mammals of North America, Biology, Management, and Conservation contains illustrations and detailed information on 57 mammalian species, with contributions from 100 leading authorities.
I am very excited to now review a classic work in the field of North American Mammals. The goal of this book is to provide a wide ranging audience including professional biologists and interested conservationists review chapters dealing with mammals of that usually require some form of management... This new volume contains a total of 1000+ pages of text, 55 chapters, and over 100 contributors having been involved in writing the chapters. The authors all have direct experience with the animals they are writing about and this makes their work particularly valuable... This should be mandatory reading for anyone contemplating research on one of the species covered within this book... For AZA institutions heavily involved in North American species this book comes recommended.
Anyone needing information on the life history and management of North American mammals will find this work a comprehensive and useful resource.
An excellent, encyclopedic review of the biology of North American mammals.
An ambitious and important contribution.
There has been a need for some time now for a major work on mammals which includes a detailed description of each species, describes its biology and discusses management techniques and research. Wild Mammals of North America fills that void and represents a major contribution to reference literature on mammals.
An enormous amount of firsthand experience and published data have been brought together in a way never previously achieved.
For reference and as a textbook, Wild Mammals of North America is excellent.
May be easily read by scientists and laymen alike. The authors impart a great deal of management and conservation information about each species or species group while considering the economic and cultural pressures our society exerts on the animals and their environment.
Book Details
Preface and Acknowledgments
Introduction: A Twenty-Year Retrospective
Part I: Opossum, Moles, Bats, and Armadillo
Chapter 1. Opossum
Chapter 2. Moles
Chapter 3. Bats
Chapter 4. Armadillo
Part II: Rabbits
Preface and Acknowledgments
Introduction: A Twenty-Year Retrospective
Part I: Opossum, Moles, Bats, and Armadillo
Chapter 1. Opossum
Chapter 2. Moles
Chapter 3. Bats
Chapter 4. Armadillo
Part II: Rabbits and Hares
Chapter 5. Eastern Cottontail
Chapter 6. Black0tailed Jackrabbit
Chapter 7. Snowshoe Hare and Other Hares
Part III: Rodents
Chapter 8. Mountain Beaver
Chapter 9. Marmots
Chapter 10. Ground Squirrels
Chapter 11. Black-tailed Prairie Dog
Chapter 12. Fox and Gray Squirrels
Chapter 13. Pine Squirrels
Chapter 14. Pocket Gophers
Chapter 15. Beaver
Chapter 16. Muskrats
Chapter 17. Voles
Chapter 18. Porcupine
Chapter 19. Eastern Woodrat
Part IV: Toothed Whales and Baleen Whales
Chapter 20. Bottlenose Dolphin, Harbor Porpoise, Sperm Whale and Other Toothed Cetaceans
Chapter 21. Baleen Whales: Right Whales and Allies
Section V: Carnivores
Chapter 22. Coyote
Chapter 23. Gray Wolf
Chapter 24. Foxes
Chapter 25. Black Bear
Chapter 26. Grizzly Bear
Chapter 27. Polar Bear
Chapter 28. Raccoon
Chapter 29. Fisher and Marten
Chapter 30. Weasels and Black-footed Ferret
Chapter 31. Mink
Chapter 32. Wolverine
Chapter 33. Badger
Chapter 34. Skunks
Chapter 35. River Otter
Chapter 36. Sea Otter
Chapter 37. Mountain Lion
Chapter 38. Bobcat and Lynx
Section VI: Seals and Manatee
Chapter 39. Seals
Chapter 40. West Indian Manatee
Section VII: Hoofed Mammals
Chapter 41. Collared Peccary
Chapter 42. Wapiti
Chapter 43. Mule Deer
Chapter 44. White-tailed Deer
Chapter 45. Moose
Chapter 46. Caribou
Chapter 47. Pronghorn
Chapter 48. Bison
Chapter 49. Mountain Goat
Chapter 50. Muskox
Chapter 51. Mountain Sheep
Part VIII: Introduced Mammals
Chapter 52. Nutria
Chapter 53. Wild Horse
Chapter 54. Feral Hog
Chapter 55. Nonnative Large Mammals in North America
Appendix 1
Appendix 2