Book Details
Part I. Descartes' Rationalism and Laws of Motion
Chapter 1. Descartes' Rules for the Direction of our Native Intelligence
Chapter 2. Descartes' Fifth Meditation: Ontological Proof of God
Part I. Descartes' Rationalism and Laws of Motion
Chapter 1. Descartes' Rules for the Direction of our Native Intelligence
Chapter 2. Descartes' Fifth Meditation: Ontological Proof of God
Chapter 3. Descartes' Laws of Motion
Chapter 4. Daniel Garber, Descartes' Metaphysical Physics
Part II. Newton's Inductivism and the Law of Gravity
Chapter 5. Newton's Rules for the Study of Natural Philosophy
Chapter 6. Newton's "Phenomena" and derivation of the law of gravity
Chapter 7. Newton on "hypotheses," God, and gravity
Chapter 8. A Guide to Newton's Principia
Chapter 9. Whewell's critique of Newton's methodology
Part III. Hypothetico-Deductivism, the Mill-Whewell Debate, and the Wave Theory of Light
Chapter 10. Young's Wave Theory of Light
Chapter 11. Whewell's Hypothetico-Deductivism
Chapter 12. Popper's Falsificationism
Chapter 13. Mill's Inductivism and debate with Whewell
Chapter 14. Waves and Scientific Method
Part IV. Realism vs. Antirealism, and Molecular Reality
Chapter 15. Duhem's Anti-Realism
Chapter 16. van Fraassen's Anti-Realism
Chapter 17. Perrin's realism and argument for molecules
Chapter 18. Salmon's Empirical Defense of Realism
Chapter 19. Does Perrin's Argument for Molecules establish Scientific Realism?
Part V. Rejections of Universal Rules of Method, and Galileo's Tower Argument
Chapter 20. Galileo's Tower Argument
Chapter 21. Feyerabend's Rejection of Universal Rules
Chapter 22. An Evaluation of Feyerabend's Anarchism
Chapter 23. Kuhn's Rejection of Universal Rules
Chapter 24. Kuhn and Subjectivity
Suggested further reading