Dr Lustick's ability to simplify the seemingly complex and frequently misunderstood inner workings of health insurance makes Health Plans Unmasked a must-read for clinicians, administrators, and insurance industry employees. Deeper understanding of how insurance works is key to driving more efficient multi-stakeholder negotiations/collaborations. If you work in or with health care systems, read this book!
In Health Plans Unmasked Dr. Lustick provides a rare, unbiased view into the workings of the American health insurance industry. It is an essential read for anyone working to reform and improve our health system. After all, you cannot fix that which you do not understand.
A significant work that puts the payment issues for health care in a balanced historical/current context. If you want one book to help you understand payer/provider roles, this is it. Fair and clearly written, this book will be required reading for our residents.
Book Details
Section 1: The Basics
1. Historical Context
2. What is a Health Plan?
3. Medicare
4. Medicaid
5. Commercial Insurance
6. Brokers and Consultants
Section 2: Reimbursement Basics
7. The
Section 1: The Basics
1. Historical Context
2. What is a Health Plan?
3. Medicare
4. Medicaid
5. Commercial Insurance
6. Brokers and Consultants
Section 2: Reimbursement Basics
7. The ABCs of Fee for Service
8. What Happens to a Claim?
9. Payment Errors
10. Health Plan Strategic Concerns
11. Analytics
12. Cost Management Strategies
13. Quality
14. Care Management
15. Health Plan Committees
Section 3: Contracting
16. Health Plan Contracting 101
17. Value-Based Budgeting
18. Incentive Payments
19. Risk Mitigation
Section 4: Opportunities and Obstacles in Value-Based Care
20. Price Transparency
21. Subrogation
22. Pharmacy Benefit Management
23. On Becoming a Payvider
Section 5: A Shifting Paradigm
24. Closing Thoughts
Glossary of Acronyms