Book Details
Part I. A Duchess' Husband
Chapter 1. Hopeful Young Knight
Chapter 2. Tortuous Path to Richmond
Chapter 3. Brittany Feels a New Broom
Part II. Successful Opportunism
Chapter 1. Duke for Sale
Chapter 2
Part I. A Duchess' Husband
Chapter 1. Hopeful Young Knight
Chapter 2. Tortuous Path to Richmond
Chapter 3. Brittany Feels a New Broom
Part II. Successful Opportunism
Chapter 1. Duke for Sale
Chapter 2. Daughter Twice Sold
Chapter 3. Scourge of the Clerks
Part III. Interlude of Treason
Chapter 1. War of Words
Chapter 2. The Queen's Foe
Chapter 3. Humbled Rebel
Part IV. A Retiring Duke
Chapter 1. By Aid of St. Peter
Chapter 2. Last Blows at the Bretons
Chapter 3. Prospective Crusader
Part V. Plenary Indulgence
Chapter 1. Crusading Chief
Chapter 2. Slippery Elder Statesman
Chapter 3. Last Adventure
Appendix I. The Siege of Belleme
Appendix II. Margaret of Montaigu
Appendix III. Oliver of Machecoul
Appendix IV. Creditor or Debtor
Map and Genealogical Tables