The collection offers new ways of seeing, looking, and intersections that reinvigorate our understanding of what immigration means—politically, socially, economically, and nationally.
The editors of this treasure trove have created an essential multi-narrative that will be read and taught for generations. Seeking new narratives of the peopling of the United States, the authors of twenty brilliant essays succeed in that creative goal. The writing is beautiful and personal.
New Narratives is a piercing inquiry into national myths of American exceptionalism, their historical erasures and contradictions—and of alternative narratives of this 'nation of nations.' An antidote to historical amnesia, rooted in a new realism, these luminous essays will make a lasting contribution to our understanding of the tumultuous past, present, and future peopling of the United States.
New Narratives on the Peopling of America is a pathbreaking book. Beautifully written and highly original, this book aims to retell and reimagine the intersections among struggles for immigration justice, racial justice, and indigenous justice. A star-studded list of contributors offers an array of perspectives and lenses through which to reexamine past wrongs, comprehend our troubled present, and aspire for a more just, inclusive, and better tomorrow.
Book Details
A Note about the Cover Art
Marco Saavedra, red liberty
Part I. The Making of a Narrative
1. Toward Larger Stories: New Narratives on the Peopling of the United States of America
Alexandra Délano
A Note about the Cover Art
Marco Saavedra, red liberty
Part I. The Making of a Narrative
1. Toward Larger Stories: New Narratives on the Peopling of the United States of America
Alexandra Délano Alonso
2. Imagining an American Nation: Sharing Our Stories
Kwame Anthony Appiah
3. The Vague, Enduring Centrality of Whiteness in America
Justin Gest
4. A White Settler Colony or a Revolutionary People's Colony? Narratives of America's Origins as Guides to the Peopling of the United States
Rogers M. Smith
5. Dahodiyinii (Sacred Places)
Dakota Mace
6. American Immigrant
Katy Long
7. The Future Is a Foreign Country: We'll Do Things Differently There
John R. Weeks
8. And Jesus, Where Is Home for You?
Jesús I. Valles
Part II. Beyond a "Nation of Immigrants"
9. A Nation of Immigrants: A Short History of an Idea
Mae Ngai
10. The Border Crossed Us: Taking the Measure of a Migrating Country
Daniel Immerwahr
11. A Nation of Immigrants, a Nation of Refuge
Maria Cristina Garcia
12. Who Supports Immigration Reform?
Ana Raquel Minian
13. Between Family Unity and Separation: A History of Gendered Exclusions, Deviance, and Deservingness in the United States
Wendy Vogt
14. A Timeline of Queer Migrations
QUEEROCRACY and Carlos Motta
15. Immigration Narratives, Past and Present: The Labor Dimension
Ruth Milkman
16. Religious Diversity and the American Narrative
Eboo Patel and Neil Agarwal
Part III. Alternative Narratives
17. The Story of a Name
Héctor Tobar
18. Migrant Herbalism
Cinthya Santos Briones
19. Re-Claiming Humanity: Black History and the Cultivation of Empathetic Imagination
Allison Dorsey
20. Unity in the Struggle: Immigration and the South's Emerging Civil Rights Consensus
Hana Brown, Jennifer A. Jones, and Taylor Dow
21. Story-Walking toward Liveable Futures
Jill Anderson and Maggie Loredo
22. The Narrative Machine: Profits, Brains, and the Reshaping of Our Public Space
Pireeni Sundaralingam
23. Elements of a National Narrative on the Peopling of America
T. Alexander Aleinikoff
Contributor Biographies