Caño provides a compelling argument for and practical guide to liberatory leadership in higher education. Leaders and those they serve will benefit from this reflective liberation mindset as they seek to change the aspects of academic culture that oppress into spaces of inclusivity and thriving. An empowering read.
Leading Toward Liberation is the book I have been waiting for. As an academic leader, my goal has been to create a college environment that provides fertile soil for individual achievement, and subsequently, organizational success. Caño provides a text that supports that lofty goal while also reinforcing the importance of practicing courage and leaning on community, while also safeguarding wellbeing.
Leading Toward Liberation is a book for everyone! Annmarie Caño offers practical suggestions to develop a liberation mindset. She shows how to transform ourselves and our institutions. I strongly recommend this powerful book!
Annmarie Caño provides a rationale and guide for helping educators lead their students on a road to liberation. Caño's passion for justice, for equal treatment of all citizens and for educational opportunity that begins and ends with an embrace of each student's potential are visible on every page.
Dr. Caño's book reviews several elemental pieces of leadership development for leaders intending to build more emancipatory institutions. Her thoughtful approach is one of introspection and understanding how you 'fit' and navigate in leadership spaces. It is also a great guide for navigating the complex demands of positions that are challenging from multiple fronts.
Book Details
1. Introduction
2. Crafting a Liberatory Personal Mission
3. Reading Reality to Support Liberating Actions
4. Accompanying Others as a Liberatory Practice
5. Leading Courageously When it Matters Most
1. Introduction
2. Crafting a Liberatory Personal Mission
3. Reading Reality to Support Liberating Actions
4. Accompanying Others as a Liberatory Practice
5. Leading Courageously When it Matters Most
6. Growing Liberatory Leadership Skills in Others
7. Safeguarding Your Peace
8. Assessing Your Next Steps in Leadership
9. Parting Thoughts