By assembling this extraordinarily insightful set of essays, Gordin and McCray explore how the neoliberal political culture of the 1980s generated the ideological and economic forcefield that sucked so much of the science and technology of that era into its orbit. Greedy Science is rich, variegated, and rewarding.
Is scientific research a public good or a private commodity? As this rich and wide-ranging collection makes clear, over the course of a pivotal decade policymakers, researchers, journalists, and investors around the world answered this fundamental question in starkly different ways. Greedy Science is a fascinating guide to that major transition.
A richly informative, wide-ranging, and fresh examination of a critical decade when scientists became celebrities and high technology became big business. Deftly weaving economic and political history into the history of science and technology, Greedy Science shows how the remaking of science's moral economy in the 1980s laid the foundations for our big-tech, big-money present.
Book Details
Introduction: Greed, Science, and Greedy Science, by Michael D. Gordin and W. Patrick McCray
Part I: To the Market
1. Taking the Marks to the Market: The Oil Industry and the
Introduction: Greed, Science, and Greedy Science, by Michael D. Gordin and W. Patrick McCray
Part I: To the Market
1. Taking the Marks to the Market: The Oil Industry and the Entrepreneurial Turn, by Cyrus C. M. Mody
2. Taller Than a T-Rex: Celebrity and Leftist Politics in the Public Career of Stephen Jay Gould, by Myrna Perez
3. VisiCalc, Personal Computing, and the Speculative Entrepreneur of 1980s America, by Laine Nooney
Part II: Privatization
4. Thatcherism, Science, and Greed, by Jon Agar
5. Kids, Commerce, and Communists: Access to Space in the 1980s, by Margaret A. Weitekamp
6. Neoliberal Mutations, by Angela N. H. Creager
7. "Drugs Into Bodies": AIDS Activism and the Constitutional Limits of Biocapital, by Cathy Gere
Part III: Regions
8. Greedy Geography: The Localization of Biotechnology in Cambridge, by Robin Wolfe Scheffler
9. Science as Speculation: State Capitalism, Real Estate, and Singapore's Jurong Town Corporation, by Hallam Stevens
10. Science, Texas Style: How the Lone Star State Embraced Science in a Big Way, by Peter Westwick
Part IV: Speculations and Spectacles
11. "The Required Allocations Grew Considerably": Soviet Science, Military Imperatives, the Ambivalent Response to Reagan's Star Wars, by Asif Siddiqi
12. Extinction, Insurance, or a New Weapons Industry: Asteroid Impacts and the Triumph of the Apocalyptic Lobbyist, by Matthew Stanley
13. Service with a Smile, Or, How Profit Made Japanese Robots Personal and Personable, by Yulia Frumer
Afterword: From Groovy Science to Greedy Science, by David Farber
List of Contributors