In Dancing on the Devil's Playground, Dr. James Cates reveals how the Amish negotiate with God and technological and social change in modern mainstream society. This is a fascinating analysis of the religious and cultural decision-making that is shaping a diverse Amish world.
Applying Donald B. Kraybill's model of negotiation with modernity, James Cates explores how the Amish successfully balance tradition and change in their interactions with the North American social mainstream. The collective decisions Amish people make related to physical, mental, and spiritual health and well-being underscore the value for everyone in living intentionally.
Book Details
1. Negotiating with Modernity: Philosophy, Theory, and Interpersonal Style
2. Operator, Information: This Ain't Jesus on the Line
3. The Crystal Ball of DNA: The Clinic for Special Children
1. Negotiating with Modernity: Philosophy, Theory, and Interpersonal Style
2. Operator, Information: This Ain't Jesus on the Line
3. The Crystal Ball of DNA: The Clinic for Special Children
4. Jesus the Counselor: The Amish and Residential Treatment
5. We Admitted We Were Powerless: The Twelve Steps
6. A Sin Like No Other: Sexually Maladaptive Behavior and Cooperative Treatment
7. Dancing on the Devil's Playground: Drugs, Alcohol, and Rumspringa
8. The Sewing Circle: Survivors of Domestic Violence