Book Details
List of Abbreviations
Part I: The Family
Chapter 1. The Family As a Social Unit in the Thirteenth Century
Chapter 2. The Earls of Glouchester and Henry III, 1217-1262
Chapter 3. Earl Gilbert The
List of Abbreviations
Part I: The Family
Chapter 1. The Family As a Social Unit in the Thirteenth Century
Chapter 2. The Earls of Glouchester and Henry III, 1217-1262
Chapter 3. Earl Gilbert The Red and The Baron's War
Chapter 4. Earl Gilbert The Red and Edward I
Chapter 5. The Last Earl
Chapter 6. Younger Brothers
Part II: The Estates
Chapter 7. Earl of Gloucester
Chapter 8. Lord of the March
Chapter 9. Lord of Kilkenny
Chapter 10. Conclusion
Genealogical Tables