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The Men of the First French Republic

Political Alignments in the National Convention of 1792

Alison Patrick

Publication Date

Originally published in 1972. The Men of the First French Republic analyzes some of the well-established evidence concerning deputies of the French National Convention of 1792. It was assumed that this evidence supported accepted generalizations about the convention's character and outlook. Patrick's examination of the convention as a whole, rather than its various groups of deputies (Plain, Mountain, and Gironde), suggests that a number of these generalizations may need revising. Patrick looks first at parliamentary behavior, particularly in the tumultuous first eight months, and then...

Originally published in 1972. The Men of the First French Republic analyzes some of the well-established evidence concerning deputies of the French National Convention of 1792. It was assumed that this evidence supported accepted generalizations about the convention's character and outlook. Patrick's examination of the convention as a whole, rather than its various groups of deputies (Plain, Mountain, and Gironde), suggests that a number of these generalizations may need revising. Patrick looks first at parliamentary behavior, particularly in the tumultuous first eight months, and then analyzes this behavior in terms of the deputies' background.


Book Details

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Table of Contents

Part I: The problem of political divisions in the Convention
Chapter 1. The problem and the evidence
Chapter 2. The political attitudes of 1793-94
Part II: The deputies

Part I: The problem of political divisions in the Convention
Chapter 1. The problem and the evidence
Chapter 2. The political attitudes of 1793-94
Part II: The deputies, the appels nominaux, and the politics of 1792-93
Chapter 3. The trial of Louis XVI (i): The issues
Chapter 4. The trial of Louis XVI (ii): The voting and its implications
Chapter 5. The appels nominaux of April and May 1793
Part III: The deputies and their background
Chapter 6. The deputies, their electorates, and the elections of 1792
Chapter 7. Political experience
Chapter 8. Ages and personal background
I. The ex-deputies in the Convention
II. Voting in the Legislative Assembly appels-nominaux of 1792
III. The voting in the appels nominaux of 1793
IV. The membership of political groups
V. The ages of the deputies (1 January 1793)
VI. Personal and occupational background
VII. The later careers of the conventionnels
VIII. The suppleants and new members of 1793-95
IX. The membership of the executive committees of the Terror
X. The results of the appels-nominaux of 15 - l 9 January 1793

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Alison Patrick

Alison Patrick was a professor of history at Melbourne University who specialized in the French Revolution.