Book Details
Part I: Pragmatic Deviance
1. The scope of linguistics
2. The issue of deviance
3. Summary
Part II: The Problem of Linguistically Deviant Expressions
1. The orthodox transformational-generative
Part I: Pragmatic Deviance
1. The scope of linguistics
2. The issue of deviance
3. Summary
Part II: The Problem of Linguistically Deviant Expressions
1. The orthodox transformational-generative approach to deviant sentences; some early views
2. Weinreich's proposal
3. Extensions of Weinreich's proposal: Baumgartner
4. Aggrammatization
Part III: Modes of Construal
1. Semantic representation of The stone died
2. Anomalous and contradictory sentences
3. The positioning of transfer features
4. The six modes of construal
5. Comparison of our six modes of construal with the modes of van Dijk
Part IV: The Construal Rules
1. The semantic component
2. Adjunction and displacement of semantic markers
3. Some differences between construal on N -V and N - V
4. On the relation of the construal rules to the grammar
Part V: Comparison of the Theory (T) with Other Theories of Metaphor
1. The theories of Aristotle and Quintilian
2. The problem of encyclopedic knowledge
3. Le groupe,
Part VI: Metaphor and Truth
1. Semantic deviance taken literally
2. Ryle's position on semantic deviance
3. Indirect evidence for the conceivability of "absurd" states of affairs
4. The implicit context of poems
5. Truth conditions of deviant sentences in a poem
Part VII: Poetic Metaphor
1. Linguistic and poetic construal
2.The role of simile
3. Intensional and extensional semantics of metaphor