Book Details
Part I. Critical History
Chapter 1. Poetic Presence and Illusion I: Renaissance Theory and the Duplicity of Metaphor
Chapter 2. Jacopo Mazzoni, Repository of Diverse Critical
Part I. Critical History
Chapter 1. Poetic Presence and Illusion I: Renaissance Theory and the Duplicity of Metaphor
Chapter 2. Jacopo Mazzoni, Repository of Diverse Critical Traditions or Source of a New One?
Chapter 3. Shakespeare and the Critic's Idolatry of the Word
Chapter 4. Fiction, Nature, and Literary Kinds in Johnson's Criticism of Shakespeare
Chapter 5. "Trying Experiments upon Our Sensibility": The Art of Dogma and Doubt in Eighteenth-Century Literature
Chapter 6. The Critical Legacy of Matthew Arnold; or, The Strange Brotherhood of T. S. Eliot, I. A. Richards, and Northrop Frye
Chapter 7. Reconsideration-The New Critics
Chapter 8. The Theoretical Contributions of Eliseo Vivas
Chapter 9. The Tragic Vision Twenty Years After
Part II. Critical Theory
Chapter 10. Poetic Presence and Illusion II: Formalist Theory and the Duplicity of Metaphor
Chapter 11. Literature vs. Ecriture: Constructions and Deconstructions in Recent Critical Theory
Chapter 12. Literature as Illusion, as Metaphor, as Vision
Chapter 13. Theories about Theories about Theory of Criticism
Chapter 14. A Scorecard for the Critics
Chapter 15. Literature, Criticism, and Decision Theory
Chapter 16. Mediation, Language, and Vision in the Reading of Literature
Chapter 17. Literary Analysis and Evaluation-and the Ambidextrous Critic
Index of Names