Book Details
Part I: Mutable Images: Voice and Figure
Chapter 1. The Accidents of Disfiguration
Limits to Literal and Figurative Reading of Wordsworth's "Books"
Chapter 2. The Ring of
Part I: Mutable Images: Voice and Figure
Chapter 1. The Accidents of Disfiguration
Limits to Literal and Figurative Reading of Wordsworth's "Books"
Chapter 2. The Ring of Gyges and the Coat of Darkness
Reading Rousseau with Wordsworth
Chapter 3. Viewless Wings Keats's Ode to a Nightingale
Chapter 4. Giving a Face to a Name De Man's Figures
Chapter 5. Getting Versed
Reading Hegel with Baudelaire
Part II: Past Effects: The Double Reading of Narrative
Chapter 6. Mechanical Doll, Exploding Machine
Kleist's Models of Narrative
Chapter 7. The Decomposition of the Elephants
Double-Reading Daniel Deronda
Chapter 8. Oedipal Textuality
Reading Freud's Reading of Oedipus
Chapter 9. Paragon, Parergon
Baudelaire Translates Rousseau