Dryden augments his own imaginative insights with concepts drawn from Derrida, Barthes, and Ortega y Gasset to provide an original and illuminative treatment of the 'form' of the romance novel in American tradition.
Book Details
Abbreviations Used in the Text
Chapter 1. The Thematics of a Form: Waverley and American Romance
Chapter 2. The Limits of Romance: A Reading of The Marble Faun
Chapter 3. The Entangled Text: P
Abbreviations Used in the Text
Chapter 1. The Thematics of a Form: Waverley and American Romance
Chapter 2. The Limits of Romance: A Reading of The Marble Faun
Chapter 3. The Entangled Text: Pierre and the Romance of Reading
Chapter 4. The Image in the Mirror: James's Portrait and the Economy of Romance
Chapter 5. Faulkner and the Sepulcher of Romance: The Voices of Absalom, Absalom!
Chapter 6. The Romance of the Word: John Barth's LETTERS