Demonstrates with admirable cogency that a well-founded interpretation [of the Kennedy-Khrushchev era] is possible... Lay[s] bare the workings of the Russian political process in the age of collective leadership.
Book Details
Chapter 1. The Opening Phase: The Soviets Stake Their Claim
Chapter 2. Framing a Western Position
Chapter 3. The Soviets Increase the Pressure
Chapter 4. The Western Riposte, June 29-July
Chapter 1. The Opening Phase: The Soviets Stake Their Claim
Chapter 2. Framing a Western Position
Chapter 3. The Soviets Increase the Pressure
Chapter 4. The Western Riposte, June 29-July 25
Chapter 5. The Soviets Decide on the Minimum Objective
Chapter 6. The West Looks for an Opening
Chapter 7. Climax : The Soviets Act
Chapter 8. The Collective Leadership Reviews the Situation
Chapter 9. Second Climax: The Twenty-second Party Congress
List of Works Cited
Abbreviations of Works Most Frequently Cited
Subject Index
Name Index