Dr. Palfrey presents a well-designed, articulate description of the political climate surrounding pediatric health care... Pediatric clinicians, politicians, students, and practitioners of health policy will be well-served by a read of this text to best understand what tools and information are needed.
A must read if you are at all serious about health advocacy for children... thank you Judith Palfrey. Thank you for not shying away from the difficult issues, thank you for bringing it all together, and thank you for creating a must-read text... I am a better child health advocate after having read this book.
Drawing on her rich clinical experience and on her academic excellence, Judith Palfrey has written a remarkable book on how advocacy and public involvement can make a major difference to one of the most important and yet neglected areas of health care. The complex influences that operate on child health require a serious exploration which Palfrey has provided in an account that is at once informative and readable. We have much reason to be grateful to Judith Palfrey for this timely and significant contribution.
Dr. Palfrey has provided an excellent framework and overview of child health advocacy. All those concerned with the status of children and families in America today will benefit from reading Dr. Palfrey’s guide to advocacy and examples of visionary leaders who have been successful in implementing policy and programs for children. This should be required reading for all child health practitioners and citizens interested in making a difference for children.
Dr. Palfrey’s written call to action comes at a time when child health is receiving its most challenging assaults both at the federal and state level. Policies which determine the distribution of health resources are as child-unfriendly as they have been in over a decade. Child Health in America: Making a Difference through Advocacy provides a plan, calls upon the examples of successful advocates, and closes with the most important element of all, political will! I will use it to spread the word, and teach my students and residents. Thank you Judy.
Book Details
1. Child Health Advocacy
2. A History of Child Health Advocacy
3. The Current Status of Child Health
4. Clinical Advocacy
5. Group Advocacy
6. Legislative Advocacy
7. Professional
1. Child Health Advocacy
2. A History of Child Health Advocacy
3. The Current Status of Child Health
4. Clinical Advocacy
5. Group Advocacy
6. Legislative Advocacy
7. Professional Advocacy
8. Political Will
Appendix: Resources Online