Essential reading for any student or researcher entering, or already working, in the field of olfaction.
An important contribution that deserves to be widely read... It is a landmark that may reshape efforts in this field.
A recommended pick for any college-level health library holding.
This well-written book deals with a relevant topic in a new and refreshing manner; you can add it to your psychology library with confidence that it will be both interesting and informative.
This is a must-read for olfaction researchers... And is currently the best 'introduction to olfaction' that is available. I highly recommend this book.
This new view of olfactory cognition brings to bear many fascinating possibilities for future study in human response to odor stimulus that can have application in medicine and commercial sales.
Book Details
1. The Function of the Olfactory System in Animals and Humans
2. A Historical and Comparative Perspective on Theoretical Approaches to Olfaction
3. Receptive Mechanisms
4. The Relationship between
1. The Function of the Olfactory System in Animals and Humans
2. A Historical and Comparative Perspective on Theoretical Approaches to Olfaction
3. Receptive Mechanisms
4. The Relationship between Stimulus Intensity and Perceptual Quality
5. Odor Quality Discrimination in Nonhuman Animals
6. Odor Quality Discrimination in Humans
7. Odor Memory
8. Implications