Provides a lively sample of the latest scholarship that critics and fans of Los Angeles alike will enjoy.
Book Details
Introduction: Los Angeles Studies and the Future of Urban Cultures
Chapter 1. Best MTA Bus Line: The Number 18, yes, let's take a trip down Whittier Boulevard
Chapter 2. Learning from Los Angeles
Introduction: Los Angeles Studies and the Future of Urban Cultures
Chapter 1. Best MTA Bus Line: The Number 18, yes, let's take a trip down Whittier Boulevard
Chapter 2. Learning from Los Angeles: Another One Rides the Bus
Chapter 3. Los Angeles and American Studies in a Pacific World of Migrations
Chapter 4. Border City: Race and Social Distance in Los Angeles
Chapter 5. The Figure of the Neighbor: Los Angeles Past and Future
Chapter 6. Straight into Compton: American Dreams, Urban Nightmares, and the Metamorphosis of a Black Suburb
Chapter 7. L.A. Race Woman: Charlotta Bass and the Complexities of Black Political Development in Los Angeles
Chapter 8. "What's Good for Boyle Heights Is Good for the Jews":
Chapter 9. Creating Multiracialism on the Eastside during the 1950s
Chapter 10. The Art of the City: Modernism, Censorship, and the Emergence of Los Angeles's Postwar Art Scene
Chapter 11. Bringing Music to the People: Race, Urban Culture, and Municipal Politics in
Chapter 12. Postwar Los Angeles
Chapter 13. The Battle of Los Angeles: The Cultural Politics of Chicana/o Music in the Greater Eastside
Chapter 14. What Is an MC If He Can't Rap to Banda?
Chapter 15. Making Music in Nuevo L.A.
Chapter 16. Fools Banished from the Kingdom: Remapping Geographies of Gang Violence between the Americas (Los Angeles and San Salvador)
Chapter 17. Borders and Social Distinction in the Global Suburb
Chapter 18. Nuestra Los Angeles