A masterful biography.
An important and impressively documented contribution to the history of nineteenth-century mathematics.
A thoroughly enjoyable read.
This is an exceptional example of scholarly research.
Parshall has already established herself as a leading expert on Sylvester and his milieu, carefully reconstructing the trajectory of Sylvester's professional life on the basis of copious documentary evidence, describing Sylvester's more important mathematical results in his career context, and writing for broad audiences with no detailed mathematical exposition or technical analysis of Sylvester's mathematics... Highly recommended.
A well-written and thorough account of its subject... a wealth of useful and well-researched information that is difficult to find elsewhere.
This well-written, thoroughly researched biography will become the definitive study of Sylvester.
Working from an impressive knowledge of relevant archival sources, Parshall has written a tale so engaging that I did not want to put it down. As the story both of the man in his times and the mathematician with his work, it is a fascinating read for those interested in the Victorian era, the history and development of academic disciplines, and the history of mathematics.
Book Details
Introduction: The Myth, the Mathematician, the Man
Chapter 1. Born to "the Faith in Which the Founder of Christianity Was Educated"
Chapter 2. A Price of Dissent
Chapter 3. The Hollow Walls of Academe
Introduction: The Myth, the Mathematician, the Man
Chapter 1. Born to "the Faith in Which the Founder of Christianity Was Educated"
Chapter 2. A Price of Dissent
Chapter 3. The Hollow Walls of Academe
Chapter 4. Actuary by Day...Mathematician by Night
Chapter 5. Into the Invariant-Theoretic Unknown
Chapter 6. A New Beginning
Chapter 7. At War with the Military
Chapter 8. The Uneasy Years
Chapter 9. Exploring Familiar Ground on Unfamiliar Territory
Chapter 10. Tackling New Challenges in a Home Away from Home
Chapter 11. A Bittersweet Victory
Chapter 12. The Final Transition