A top pick for college-level holdings strong in international social studies... Perfect also for classroom discussion.
This collection brings together senior sociologists and outstanding younger scholars with a mix of interests, expertise, and methodologies to offer and introduction for ways of studying and understanding global social change.
The collections of essays... represents the most scholarly contribution to these discussions in that it deliberately sets out to review the history of a debate, drawing widely on the sociological literature in particular.
Book Details
1. Introduction
2. Conducting Global Social Research
I. What is Globalization?
3. Global Social Change in the Long Run
4. Competing Conceptions of Globalization
5. Globalization: A World-Systems
1. Introduction
2. Conducting Global Social Research
I. What is Globalization?
3. Global Social Change in the Long Run
4. Competing Conceptions of Globalization
5. Globalization: A World-Systems Perspective
II. Global Inequality
6. Global inequality: An Introduction
7. Global Enegery Inequalities: Exploring the Long-Term Implications
III. Globalization and the Environment
8. Ecosystmes and World Systems: Accumulation as an Ecological Process
9. Global Social Change, Natural Resrouce Consumption, and Environmental Degradation
IV. Globalization, Hegemony, and Global Governance
10. Spatial and Other "Fixes" of Historical Capitalism
11. Contemporary Intracore Relations and World-Systems Theory
V. Global Social Movements
12. Gender and Globalization: Female Labor and Women's Mobilization
13. Environmentalism and the Trajectory of the Anti-Corporate Globalization Movement
14. National and Global Foundations of Global Civil Society
VI. Democrazy and Democratization
15. Transnational Social Movements and Democratic Socialist Parties in the Semiperiphery: On to Global Democracy
16. Globalization and the Future of Democrazy
List of Contributors