This is the most important Odonate book published in several years.
A required reference for any serious student of faunistics and biogeography.
A reference of the highest quality, this book reveals their striking beauty and complexity. It is a real monumental work on odonate taxonomy and identification, and indispensable for every one working with the Odonata of the Americas. A great book.
As a superb reference work for 2 continents, written with much skill and profound command of the factual knowledge, the value of the book can be hardly exaggerated.
The most significant contribution in decades.
The authors have produced original keys that are richly illustrated... An outstanding volume that will be a long-standing contribution.
This is a landmark publication, and a must for all serious odonatologists and New World biodiversity specialists.
This is a well-thought out and scholarly text that will appeal to workers involved in identifying numerous specimens of damselflies in the New Worlf. I will be an indispensable resource in libraries covering entomology, natural history and limnology.
Dragonflies have been moving up to join butterflies as a model group for natural history and scientific study. This well-organized and readable book will help speed that trend on a hemispheric basis.
For anyone interested in the identification of New World dragonflies, especially those of Central and South America, this well-written book is worth its weight in precious metals. It is equal to a whole filing cabinet of scientific papers, and with its plethora of illustrations it can be used for the identification not only of genera but for some species as well.
There has long been a need for a comprehensive identification manual dealing with the rich dragonfly fauna of the Americas, and here it is! With this monumental set of keys and descriptions, supported by carefully detailed and artistically pleasing drawings, anyone can now identify to genus any dragonfly specimen from this half of the world. The publication of the New World Odonata Key ushers in a new era of appreciation for dragonfly biodiversity.
Book Details
List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction
2. Key to families
3. Petaluridae
4. Austropetaliidae
5. Aeshnidae
6. Gomphidae
7. Neopetaliidae
8. Cordulegastridae
9. Libellulidae. Key to Subfamilies
List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction
2. Key to families
3. Petaluridae
4. Austropetaliidae
5. Aeshnidae
6. Gomphidae
7. Neopetaliidae
8. Cordulegastridae
9. Libellulidae. Key to Subfamilies
10. Macromiinae
11. Corduliinae
12. Libellulinae
Literature Cited
Distribution Tables
List of Figures
Index of Taxa