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Dragonfly Genera of the New World

An Illustrated and Annotated Key to the Anisoptera

Rosser W. Garrison, Natalia von Ellenrieder, and Jerry A. Louton

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Winner of the Single Volume Reference/Science award of the Professional and Scholarly Publishing Awards given by the Association of American Publishers

Dragonfly Genera of the New World is a beautifully illustrated and comprehensive guide to the taxonomy and ecology of dragonflies in North, Middle, and South America. A reference of the highest quality, this book reveals the striking beauty and complexity of this diverse order.

Although Odonata—dragonflies and damselflies—are among the most studied groups of insects, until now there has been no reliable means to identify the New World genera of...

Winner of the Single Volume Reference/Science award of the Professional and Scholarly Publishing Awards given by the Association of American Publishers

Dragonfly Genera of the New World is a beautifully illustrated and comprehensive guide to the taxonomy and ecology of dragonflies in North, Middle, and South America. A reference of the highest quality, this book reveals the striking beauty and complexity of this diverse order.

Although Odonata—dragonflies and damselflies—are among the most studied groups of insects, until now there has been no reliable means to identify the New World genera of either group. This volume provides fully illustrated and up-to-date keys for all dragonfly genera with descriptive text for each genus, accompanied by distribution maps and 1,595 diagnostic illustrations, including wing patterns and characteristics of the genitalia.

For entomologists, limnologists, and ecologists, Dragonfly Genera of the New World is an indispensable resource for field identification and laboratory research.



This is the most important Odonate book published in several years.

A required reference for any serious student of faunistics and biogeography.

A reference of the highest quality, this book reveals their striking beauty and complexity. It is a real monumental work on odonate taxonomy and identification, and indispensable for every one working with the Odonata of the Americas. A great book.

As a superb reference work for 2 continents, written with much skill and profound command of the factual knowledge, the value of the book can be hardly exaggerated.

The most significant contribution in decades.

See All Reviews

Book Details

Publication Date
Trim Size
Illustration Description
24 color illus., 31 halftones, 1595 line drawings
Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction
2. Key to families
3. Petaluridae
4. Austropetaliidae
5. Aeshnidae
6. Gomphidae
7. Neopetaliidae
8. Cordulegastridae
9. Libellulidae. Key to Subfamilies

List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction
2. Key to families
3. Petaluridae
4. Austropetaliidae
5. Aeshnidae
6. Gomphidae
7. Neopetaliidae
8. Cordulegastridae
9. Libellulidae. Key to Subfamilies
10. Macromiinae
11. Corduliinae
12. Libellulinae
Literature Cited
Distribution Tables
List of Figures
Index of Taxa

Author Bios
Natalia von Ellenrieder
Featured Contributor

Natalia von Ellenrieder, Ph.D.

Natalia von Ellenrieder is an adjunct researcher for the CONICET at the Instituto de Bio y Geociencias, Salta, Argentina. She coauthored Dragonfly Genera of the New World, also published by Johns Hopkins.
Featured Contributor

Jerry A. Louton, Ph.D.

Jerry A. Louton is a museum information technology specialist with the Department of Entomology at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. He coauthored Dragonfly Genera of the New World, also published by Johns Hopkins.

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