Well-written overview of the state of Islam in Europe.
Shore captures much of the nuance and contradiction of a community being asked to integrate into national polities that exploit them economically, treat their faith as a second-class superstition, and fail to deal with persistent, widespread racism.
The narrative style of this timely work makes it a rewarding read.
The only one of the American authors to have taken the trouble to talk to a lot of European Muslims.
Shore's wise and thoughtful book addresses Europe's 'Muslim problems'... This eminently readable volume deserves to be widely known and seriously pondered.
[Shore] proposes to alert American policymakers, business people and simply interested citizens to the challenge of paying attention to Islamic culture... And who's to say he isn't right.
This is must read for anyone who wants to know more about the complex world of Europe's Muslims.
Shore's thoughtful and measured analysis stands out in a genre awash in oversimplification, misinformation, and polemics.
Breeding Bin Ladens is a contemporary threat assessment of the rise of radical Islam. The method is that of painstakingly detailed investigative journalism based on interviews of some known and potential Muslim radicals in the field. This is quite an accomplishment in itself. The language is narrative, exciting and often anecdotal, reading like a thriller.
'No one is born a terrorist; terrorists are bred.' That is the thesis of this remarkable book. It starts not with assumptions by Americans and Europeans about Europe's Muslim community, but with the voices of Muslims themselves. Those voices are vital for Americans and Europeans to hear and understand. Breeding Bin Ladens is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of the liberal democratic West.
Zachary Shore realized earlier than most the potentially huge importance of the religious revival among young Muslims in Europe. The interviews and other evidence in his scrupulously researched and lucidly written book constitute powerful evidence of a disturbing trend. It is not simple hatred of the United States so much as ambivalence about Western society as a whole that has driven these teenagers and twenty-somethings into the arms of the extremists. And while America is prepared to fight (albeit clumsily) a war on terror, a post-Christian Europe seems caught between old fashioned xenophobia and post-modern insouciance.
Book Details
Introduction: The Prolific Assassin
1. London Bridges
2. Islamic Awakenings
3. Two Faces, Two Futures
4. Headscarf, Headaches, Cartoon Chaos
5. Migration Migraines
6. Clash of the
Introduction: The Prolific Assassin
1. London Bridges
2. Islamic Awakenings
3. Two Faces, Two Futures
4. Headscarf, Headaches, Cartoon Chaos
5. Migration Migraines
6. Clash of the Barbies
7. New Europe, Same Old Issues
8. The Future of Muslim Europe
Conclusion: Looking Back to Look Ahead
Epilogue: Attracting the Second Circle