Valuable in challenging us to take seriously the intimate connections between Scriptural narrative and Scriptural law.
I find many of the links between law and narrative suggested in this book attractive, meticulously argued, and persuasive... Carmichael has offered us a genuine alternative to competing theories about the origin of biblical laws.
Book Details
Introduction: The Nature of Biblical Law
1. Looking at Leviticus: Leviticus 10–14
2. Genital Impurity in the Lineages of David and Jonathan: Leviticus 15
3. The Day of Atonement: Leviticus 16
Introduction: The Nature of Biblical Law
1. Looking at Leviticus: Leviticus 10–14
2. Genital Impurity in the Lineages of David and Jonathan: Leviticus 15
3. The Day of Atonement: Leviticus 16
4. The Slaughter of Animals: Leviticus 17:2-9
5. The Blood Taboo: Leviticus 17:10–16
6. Mourning and Marriage Rules for Priests: Leviticus 21
7. Life and Lies of David: Leviticus 22 and 23
8. Blasphemies: Leviticus 24
9. The Year of Jubilee: Leviticus 25
10. Three Laws on the Release of Slaves: Exodus 21:2–11, Deuteronomy 15:12–18, and Leviticus 25:39–46
Conclusion: The Inseparability of Biblical Laws and Narratives
Index of Biblical Sources
Subject Index