A valuable source... should be required reading for zealots and is recommended for those interested in ID.
It [The Panda's Black Box] convincingly argues against the extremes of both the reductionist paradigm that is dominant today and intelligent design. As such, it adds an important and gentler dimension to the debate between intelligent design and evolutionary theory.
An accessible reader that quickly and deftly surveys the current evolution-['intelligent design'] debates from a range of philosophical and historical angles.
The Panda's Black Box is an accessible reader that quickly and deftly surveys the current evolution-ID debates from a range of philosophical and historical angles.
Book Details
List of Contirbutors
Foreword by Daniel J. Kevles
1. Intorductions: The Panda's Black Box
2. The Argument from Design
3. The Aerodynamics of Flying Carpets: Why Biologists are Loath to "Tech the
List of Contirbutors
Foreword by Daniel J. Kevles
1. Intorductions: The Panda's Black Box
2. The Argument from Design
3. The Aerodynamics of Flying Carpets: Why Biologists are Loath to "Tech the Controversy"
4. The Classroom Controversy: A History of the Dispute over Teahcing Evolution
5. Untangling Debates about Science and Religion
6. Intelligent Design: A Sympton of Metaphysical Malaise
Futher Reading