Smith's book nicely illuminates the emerging world of global civil society, providing tools for its ongoing study.
Highly recommended.
She mobilizes a host of secondary literature, as well as original field research, to offer a well-supported examination of the threats to, and need for, making multilateral institutions work on behalf of those who would save the world, not sell it.
An impassioned examination of transnational social movements... provides valuable insights into the mobilization, tactics, and successes of the democratic globalization movement.
This is an excellent study that shows the diversity of the democratic globalization movement.
Smith has gathered a very impressive collection of data on complex global processes and structures. Writing from an engaged, critical perspective, she offers a coherent, thoughtful analysis of contested processes of globalization and constructive insights on potential pathways toward global democratization. This excellent book will be of great interest to sociologists and other students of this critical issue of our times.
The most comprehensive and well-documented study to date on current transnational movements. Smith deserves credit for penning such a thorough, reflexive, and multifaceted book.
This impressive book presents a distinctive and provocative point of view. It successfully combines the construction of an analytical framework with the advocacy of a political agenda without allowing the political agenda to overwhelm the analytical framework or the analytical framework to obscure the political issues at stake. Social Movements for Global Democracy will play an important role in future debates over globalization.
At last, a book that takes seriously the role of international institutions in opposing global neoliberalism! While acutely conscious of the biases of these institutions, Smith vigorously argues that the new forms of democratic participation encapsulated in the movement for global justice must engage them in contentious interaction. Her book is a challenge to movement activists and to institutional elites alike.
Book Details
List of Tables and Figures
Part I: Foundations
1. Contested Globalizations
2. Rival Transnational Networks
3. Politics in a Global System
Part II: Rival Networks Examined
4. Globalizing Capitalism
List of Tables and Figures
Part I: Foundations
1. Contested Globalizations
2. Rival Transnational Networks
3. Politics in a Global System
Part II: Rival Networks Examined
4. Globalizing Capitalism: The Transnational Neoliberal Network in Action
5. Promoting Multilateralism: Social Movements and the UN System
6. Mobilizing a Transnational Network for Democratic Globalization
Part III: Struggles for Multilateralism and Global Democracy
7. Agenda Setting in a Global Polity
8. Domesticating International Human Rights Norms
9. Confronting Contradictions between Multilateral Economic Institutions and the UN System
10. Alternative Political Spaces: The World Social Forum Process and "Globalization from Below"
Conclusion: Network Politics and Global Democracy