Thank you, Mr. Apple! There's an art to writing a sad story that's also fun to read... Many of Apple's stories are heartbreaking, but there's hardly a page that doesn't yield a smile at one line or another.
Delightful, utterly cynicism-free stories collected here... celebrate serendipity... If a lot of contemporary short fiction falls into the category dubbed 'Kmart realism,' Apple needs his own category. Call it Kmart magical realism.
Apple is still capable of dialing into emotions that ring of truth.
Apple's stories move easily from the funny to the heartbreaking—always with a strain of wisdom lurking just behind the bushes.
This is Apple's art.
One of America's best short-story writers... his first collection of stories in 20 years. He writes with the same playful imagination and comic intelligence as in his earlier stories, layered with irony and an infallible sense of detail.
This new book of short stories once again demonstrates Apple's ability to write spare prose with a minimum of adjectives and adverbs that, nevertheless, mixes humor and satire with a wry comment on the human condition... testifying to the quiet power of Apple's writing.
When it comes to Max Apple, what's not to like?... Apple is never ferocious, never crabby and rarely sentimental. He does not dislike his characters, and he refuses to condescent to them.
Each story in the book is unique and well-crafted. Apple has not lost his touch.
He writes with the same playful imagination and comic intelligence as in his earlier stories, layered with irony and an infallible sense of detail.
If you remember Apple from 20 years ago... this book will reacquaint you with an old friend, too long gone.
This collection of charming short stories is populated by offbeat characters... held together by Apple's big-hearted warmth, understated wit, and completely believable plot twists... [Apple] also manages to resolve his short stories in ways that are both unexpected and satisfying, yet another sign of his mastery of the form.
13 delightful, utterly cynicism-free stories.
In straightforward, unpretentious prose, Max Apple has patiently crafted a delightful collection.
This collection of poignant, very human stories leaves the reader wishing for even more of them... a worthwhile addition to the story collection shelf.
The author creates situations that are both touching and funny. Ths book is highly recommended for all libraries, andwould be great for a discussion group.
In straightforward, unpretentious prose, Max Apple has patiently crafted a delightful collection.
Most of Apple's stories are clever and warm-hearted... Short story lovers will find much to enjoy in all of Apple's works.
The short story has long been called 'the lonely voice,' and to that intrinsic loneliness Max Apple adds his gentle insights and his rare and precious ability to be amused by the tragic stuff of life, in particular, Jewish life.
Apple may not be as well known a humorist as Russell Baker, Calvin Trillin, or Garrison Keillor. But he should be. He belongs in the same crowd.
Apple is an amiable, good-hearted, sweet-tempered writer whose short pieces occupy an agreeable territory somewhere between fact and fiction.
A tender, tough, and totally compelling account.
The slim, sweet slices of this particular Apple pie are always served warm and contain generous amounts of humor, off-the-wall inventiveness, and down-to-earth intelligence.
Book Details
Yao's Chick
Indian Giver
Proton Decay
Stabbing an Elephant
Sized Up
House of the Lowered
Strawberry Shortcake
Adventures in Dementia
The Jew of Home Depot