This volume provides a concise, clear history of rockets and missiles from ancient times to the present... Van Riper does an exemplary job in lifting out the critical points from a mass of potentially intimidating detail, and explaining these in terms that lay persons can grasp... In sum, this book recommends itself as a lucid history of missile technology for the general reader.
Book Details
1. Introduction
2. The Age of Black Powder, 1000-1900
3. The Birth of Modern Rocketry, 1900-1942
4. Rockets in World War II, 1939-1945
5. Rockets for Research, 1945-1960
6. Ballistic
1. Introduction
2. The Age of Black Powder, 1000-1900
3. The Birth of Modern Rocketry, 1900-1942
4. Rockets in World War II, 1939-1945
5. Rockets for Research, 1945-1960
6. Ballistic Missiles and the Cold War, 1945-1990
7. Rockets to the Moon, 1960-1975
8. Tactical Missiles in the Cold War, 1950-1990
9. Spaceflight Becomes Routine, 1970—Present
10. Missiles after the Cold War, 1990-Present
11. Conclusion: What Next?
Further Reading